- Gabriela Slater
- 09 Sept 2021
3 Tips For A Healthy Menopause
I work with many women suffering from menopausal symptoms (hot flushes, night sweats, irritability, mood swings and more) and in this Blog I am sharing my 3 top tips that I often give to clients to help them.
Menopause is a natural stage of life, but every woman will experience different symptoms which are very unique and also vary from person to persion. These symptoms can have a negative effect on performance at work, reduce your confidence and lead to raised stress levels.
Tip 1 – Avoid Sugar
Try avoiding fruit juices, cakes, biscuits, soft drinks, processed food and honey. Check the ingredients list of packaged foods and avoid added sugar.
- Sugar can cause havoc in the body and lead to hormonal imbalances.
- Sugar is just empty calories and does not have any nutritional value.
- Sugar can disrupt the healthy gut bacteria, exacerbate inflammation and have an effect on stress, mood and energy levels.
Tip 2 – Drink Water
When the body is well hydrated it can handle hormonal changes better.
- Water helps nutrients to be transported to organs and for toxins to be removed from the body.
- Water helps the body to metabolise stored fat, it is crucial for weight management.
- Water is lost through urination, respiration and sweating. Symptoms of mild dehydration include: joint pain, irritability, headaches, tension and bloated stomach.
- Drink more water if you are frequently drinking: tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks and caffeinated fizzy drinks as they can dehydrate the body.
- Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of filtered water each day.
Tip 3 – Eliminate Alcohol
The organ that is involved in the detoxification of hormones in the body is the liver.
- Alcohol is toxic to the liver and it can put extra burden on it.
- The liver deactivates oestrogen into its less harmful form and also produces proteins called Sex Hormone Binding Globulines (SHBG), they play a role in controlling circulating levels of oestrogen and testosterone in the body.
- Alcohol is a diuretic, which leads to frequent passing of urine and can leave you feeling dehydrated.
- Alcohol is an anti-nutrient it blocks the effect of many nutrients (B vitamins, zinc, calcium, magnesium).
I hope you find these tips useful.
Gabriela xx