Organic food often comes with a higher price tag but with some planning and home meal preparation it can help you to save time, money, allow you to eat better and be gentler on the environment. According to a study from Newcastle University organic food contains up to 60% higher amounts of antioxidants than non-organic food. Plus organic farming methods are usually gentler on the animals and the soil.
Pesticides found in non-organic food has been found to be related to a number of health issues. They can impact the gut health plus they are Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, which means they mimic and interfere with body hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone, thyroid hormones and testosterone, leading to reproductive issues. Pesticides can also accumulate in our body fat stores and have negative effects on our hormonal balance including disrupting fertility and thyroid functions.
Organic products are often more expensive than their non-organic equivalents and so not everyone can afford to Go Fully Organic but by selecting the right food groups to choose organic produce from you can get most benefits. Below are my views on the food groups where you get the most for your money when buying organic.
By consuming organic meat and eggs, we are reducing our exposure to the steroid and growth hormones that the animals have been exposed to. Also stress hormones from the animals in the meat can have a negative effect on our health. Yes, Organic meat is expensive, we all know that, but the trick here is to eat less meat and when you do, make it organic. You will be eating better quality food.
Eggs from organic free range hens are free from antibiotics, chemicals and other additives, this is what makes them so much tastier in my view.
Organic milk, cheese, butter and yoghurt will have less antibiotics than non-organic dairy products. This is a key factor in antibiotic resistance that we hear about in the press and also the health of the immune system. Cows from organic farms have no exposure to artificial hormones and the milk has higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids.
Soft fruit when exposed to pesticides can absorb them very easily. Fruits such as peaches and grapes are prone to insect damage and the use of pesticides on them is often excessive. Washing the fruit at home will only remove the surface chemicals, any pesticides / chemicals that have been absorbed will be inside, in the flesh and this can't be washed away.
Salad leaves, spinach, kales have big leaves. The large leaves means a big surface area exposed to pesticides, washing does not always remove all the pesticides. Eating organic green leafy vegatables is thebest way to avoid the chemicals.
Eating organic food is best for the body, there is no doubt in my mind but buying everything organic is just not possible for many people, probably most people! But making some different food choices and perhaps going organic on the foods that you eat the most will give you a lot of benefits.
You can by your organic food from your local supermarket, Able and Cole or Planet Organic.
Gabriela xx